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21-Day ‘Hip Opening’ Challenge

For 15 minutes a day for 21 days, learn to unlock your tight hips. Every day includes deep stretches, breath, and a chat about yoga and nutrition. When your hips are tight, you subconsciously adjust your movement patterns to make up for the lack of mobility.

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  • For 15 minutes a day for 21 days, learn to unlock your tight hips. Every day includes deep stretches, breath, and a chat about yoga and nutrition. When your hips are tight, you subconsciously adjust your movement patterns to make up for the lack of mobility. All these movement work-arounds contribute or even cause chronic back and knee pain, among other problems.

    The benefits include:

    • Reduced Back & Knee Injuries. Itā€™s true that tight hips can create movement dysfunctions that stress the lower back and knees.
    • Ease in Yoga. When you open your hips, poses that seemed totally impossible can suddenly become fun and accessible.
    • Improved Posture. Once your tight hips are freed, your posture improves in all positions (seated or standing); youā€™ll feel more comfortable, physically, throughout the day.
    • More Speed/More Power. If your hip mobility is limited, it restricts your hip extension, running gait, and your ability to squat and exert force.
    • Better Quality of Life. You feel more freedom and less tension, itā€™s like having an extra room in your home.
    • I really felt the change in my body
      I bought the Hip-Challenge program and I can say that even though some of the poses were quite challenging, it made me realize how much I needed this. Don’t worry though, Lucas will give you tons of options to fit your needs, and still be able to get a nice stretch.

      After the 21 days, I really felt the change in my body, I’m an avid runner (avg 40k/week), and I definitely felt how my running biomechanics improved tremendously, and the best part I get access to all the videos so I can keep doing the challenge as many times as I want. I re-started it again and I’m planning to keep doing it as long as I keep having access, and even after that if I memorized all of the poses


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    • Accessible to any level!
      Loved that it was accessible to any level as Lucas explained beginners thru advanced options of each pose as where your body was at today.

      Even my physical therapist noticed a difference in my mobility. Plan to restart the program shortly.
      Tammy Brenger


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    • So impressed
      I recently completed Hip Challenge. I was very impressed with the format and program overall. I greatly appreciate that Lucas jumps right into the first pose so that we spend the right amount of time stretching.

      I'm now repeating the class on my own and finding ways to incorporate the poses into my day.
      Timothy Busick


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    • I can feel the difference
      I have enjoyed using the 21-Day Hip Opening Challenge. The stretches have really helped out my hip pain.

      I can feel a difference. I just need to be more consistent. Overall I'm very happy with YogaBody and the products they put out!


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    • Lifetime access to the challenges!
      I have taken Yogabody's 21-Day Hip Opening Challenge a number of times and find each one to be an excellent way to get myself to do more stretching & strengthening.

      I especially appreciate Yogabody's philosophy of being science-based because then I can trust that all of the poses are safe and helpful. I also appreciate that once you take these challenges (a) you can repeat them at a fraction of the original cost, and (b) you have lifetime access to the challenges. However, I like to keep taking them anew each time they are given so that I don't miss out on Lucas' warm personality & self-deprecating humor.
      Constance Haft


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    • It has helped me release tension and improve flexibility
      I cannot recommend Lucas and YOGABODY enough. I started with the science of stretching, then went on to complete the 21-Day Hip Opening and Happy Back Challenges. All programs have helped release tension and improve my flexibility.

      I am now going to complete the hip challenge again to continue my progress.

      Lifetime access to the videos for both challenges is a massive bonus.

      Having recommended YOGABODY to my parents, they are now embarking on the same journey and just 1 week in are seeing improvements.
      Kellie Vanes


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    • I noticed a difference in my gait in 1 week
      I love YOGABODY's 21-day Hip Challenge! I look forward to the 15-minute daily yoga challenge. I noticed a difference in my gait in 1 week. Week 2 is a bit more challenging and I like that Lucas gives multiple options so you can work at your comfort level.

      I highly recommend YOGABODY.
      Sacagawea Croxen


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    • I’m absolutely loving it!
      I signed up for the 21-Day Hip Challenge. I’m absolutely loving it. Feel great after each of the sessions. Lucas gives loads of options for all abilities which is great as I’m not that flexible.


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    • The hip-opening challenge is a great program to add to your health and wellness tool-kit
      Manageable postures in easy-to-integrate durations can really improve your posture and flexibility.
      Erika Meier


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    • An excellent class for all ability levels
      As an avid yogi or a total beginner, you'll find benefits to this class.


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    • I loved the program. It helped with my tight hips!
      I have chronic lower back pain and I could feel the difference every morning when I woke that it was helping that area as well. I plan on going back through the videos.


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    • I feel a big difference in my hips and posture
      I really enjoyed practicing every night before bed. I appreciate being able to access the videos stored online.

      I'm looking forward to the next YOGABODY challenge!


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    • Challenging but achievable
      I learned a lot. Still have a long way to go in improving my flexibility, but this course gave me hope!


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    • I found the program easy to fit into my day
      I maybe couldn't do all the poses but didn't feel intimidated because of it, knowing that with more practice I will do better.

      The instructions were clear and easy to follow. All in all, I enjoyed the course, I definitely felt the benefit and I'm eager to keep practicing,
      Evelyn Johnson


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    • Excellent teacher and easy to follow
      Working through the hip opening challenge was not only amazing for my hips but really helped with pain and mobility in my knee after a climbing injury.
      Craig Janzen


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    • I’m loving the 21-day hip mobility challenge!
      I was actually a little sore the first few days which I interpret as evidence I’ve done something. šŸ˜Š

      I can tell a difference in my range of motion and flexibility - strangely, not just in my hips. It seems to help with my lower back and overall ability to intentionally relax & stretch all my muscles.
      Gracelyn Thomasson


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    • This course is applicable and useful for all skill levels
      I found this course to be very applicable and well taught by Lucas. I loved that the course was applicable and catered to all levels of capability. Having the course material available to me after the course finished meant that I can continue to improve my hip mobility by repeating the course in my own time.

      I highly recommend this course to anyone and will continue to use the YOGABODY techniques to maintain my best healthy life. Thank you Lucas!


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    • 21-day Hip-Opening Challenge is addicting
      I did it more than once. Lucas is extremely talented and thorough in his explanation of how the body works, how to adjust moves for your body, and why and how the moves are helping you.

      He doesn’t overwhelm with his knowledge but satisfies the questions of curious students, making the sessions a learning experience with benefits lasting beyond the course.


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    • The Most Honest Assessment
      After months and months of seeing his advertisement on Instagram I decided to pull the plug and dive right in. I’m 6ft 245lbs. Very active in sports but put on weight during Covid in my mid section which was starting to take a toll on my lower back and my legs would now have to compensate the weight even further.

      This 21 day challenge was perfect to 1. Establish a habit and 2. Get back into rhythm. Lucas is very thorough and full of knowledge and education. He has designed this program to help anybody and everybody at any age with little or a lot of experience. He makes the program so simple to achieve and although some days you wake up feeling the burn from the previous day it’s a rather good feeling that allows you to continue without missing a beat.

      He provides many different ways to accomplish each exercise. I would recommend his program to everyone !


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    • Found relief!
      I have suffered from back pain for many years and came across Lucas’ 21-day Hip Opening Challenge when I was recovering from a horribly painful extruded lumbar disc. I was pleasantly surprised as to how much I could actually do, and more importantly how much the stretching was helping me to feel better and giving me the relief I needed.

      Lucas is an amazing teacher and I’m so grateful that I found him! He is helping to improve the quality of life for so many people, including me. Thank you, Lucas!


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    • 21 Day Hip Opening Making My Whole Body Feel Great!
      I'm doing the 21 day hip opening program and am 1/2 way through. Already my whole body feels better! Especially my arthritic knees, believe it or not. Lucas patiently and clearly explains the poses and provides multiple options for different ability levels, which is very helpful. He also clearly explains the inner workings of the muscles/tendons. This helps you really understand what you're doing and trying to achieve, while also taking your mind off the clock LOL. The breathing techniques are also excellent, helping you relax into the stretches. This program is just awesome. I'm feeling so great, I'm thinking I might try a full-fledged yoga class after this...and I'm sure I'll go back to these stretches every day!
      Just Jess



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    • I signed up for the Hip Challenge as I…
      I signed up for the Hip Challenge as I am trying to get range of motion and relieve pain in a hip that the Docs think is in need of replacement. The program has given me more ROM and less pain...and I will repeat the course as it has been a great help!
      Love the session and the explanation that Lucas gives..and great coaching ....A winner



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    • I used the 21 day hip opening…
      I used the 21 day hip opening challenge. My hips were so tight that every time I stood up from my desk or got out of a car it took about a minute to stand fully straight up and I was in pain. It even affected my sleep. After doing the first few days of stretching, it made a difference. Now that I have completed the 21 day challenge, I have much better mobility and almost no pain in my hips. I highly recommend this to anyone with tight hips. I continue to repeat the stretches almost everyday.



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    • Yogabody & hip flexibility
      I have joined many of the Yogabody events and have always found them to be very helpful for issues I'm working through. I recently have had both hips replaced and the hip flexibility classes have been a key aspect of my recovery back to full mobility and strength. Lucas is a great instructor also - providing clear instructions, demos, and always open to answer any questions.



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    • Flexibility for sports
      My 14 year old son needed help with his hip mobility so we signed up for the 21 day hip stretching challenge. Him a did it every day and after 21 days I could see the difference the program made. The videos are 15 minutes long, professionaly filmed, and easy to follow along. You can strem them from your phone or laptop to any smart TV which is great for groups. I would recommend the program to anybody looking to improve their flexibility.



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    • Creating a new healthy habit
      This program was so easy to follow and I feel so much better in my body! Lucas does a great job of talking students through the poses and setting expectations. 15 minutes a day is so doable and I’ve committed to continuing for another 21 days.
      Wendi Kushner



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    • Totally Relieved my Hip Pain!
      I have read through the five-star reviews and I share the same feelings about Lucus and his yoga programs. I am nearly 70 and was having terrible pain and weakness in my right hip when standing, but sometimes it would also wake me from a sound sleep. I was thinking that I might be a candidate for a hip replacement, but I decided to try physical therapy first. But before signing up for PT, I saw a Facebook ad for the Yogabody Hip-opening Challenge. I was a bit hesitant to spend the money on a yoga program figuring it probably wouldn't help, but I took a chance, and am I ever glad that I did!!! Within a few short yoga sessions, I was feeling relief! By the end of the 21-day challenge, my hip strength was fully restored, and I had no pain at all. Lucus is beyond a great teacher and his voice and soothing manner of speaking really puts you at ease during the long hold times of each yoga pose. I can't say enough good things about this program, and I look forward to doing it each day. I am so thankful I found Yogabody and that I am out of pain and can put thoughts of a hip replacement out of my mind. Thank you, Lucus!
      Dianna Luffberry



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    • Best yoga videos out there
      I love YogaBody and everything Lucas puts out. It is professional, scientific (I'm a geek!), and so so useful and practical. Lucas has a real gift for explaining things and it really helps my practice to know what's going on in my body and brain. I plan on doing his breath coach training later this year
      Angela Lawrence



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    • Very user friendly and fun!
      Very user friendly, entertaining and fun, allowing lots of options for modifications. It takes up little time in one's day for so much benefit. I highly recommend it, and it is so reasonably priced compared to other programs or classes.
      Jon Geller



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    • Very impactful intro to Yoga in bite sized chunks
      Lucas makes yoga so approachable and more importantly impactful in some of the great gravity yoga moves and sequences he shares. I particularly like his quiet but determined commentary to encourage you to relax into embracing the stretching feeling and not fighting it :-)
      Chris Humphris



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    • Definitely worth it
      The directions and video are easy to follow. The tips videos that come with each section are very helpful as you try to adjust to each pose. I felt a difference in my hips and hamstrings after the first day! I look forward to doing it every morning. I’m very thankful for this program!
      Cass D



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    • Everyone, every level is welcome!
      I am 65 yrs old, and while I have only been participating a short while, I am beginning to see a bit of progress which is so exciting! I truly appreciate how Lucas demonstrates modifications for every move, and encourages all of us throughout--no matter how bendy we may or may not be . Lucas has made sure no one is left out -- everyone, every level can participate no matter what a current limitation may be. I truly look forward to each day's session.
      Patti Huebner



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    • Highly recommend Yogabody
      I’ve tried a lot of different exercise/yoga apps and Yogabody is by far the best. I love how slow he talks you through the routines and using your breath. I highly recommend!
      Cindy Torrez



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    • Sitting comfortably on floor for 1st time in decades
      I’ve “stretched” and done yoga for decades but never really improved my flexibility. After 21 days of the hip opening challenge I can sit reasonably comfortably on the floor with my legs folded in front of me. Haven’t done that for 30 years. I’m truly confident I can become flexible and signed up for science of stretching. I love it.



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    • Triumph over Stiffness
      Started with Science of Stretching and quickly added the Hip Opening Challenge. Both have my enthusiastic recommendation. Significant improvement in the first few weeks! Excited to see the continued improvement as I press on!
      Dan Kaepernik



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    • Life changer!
      I purchased the hip opening challenge and science of stretch series and have been following to stretch daily for about a month now. I can’t believe it makes such a huge difference in my mobility and much more. I am an advanced lifter who has a 9-6 desk job. Lack of stretching really gave me lots of problems and got in the way of making gains in the gym (sometimes couldn’t train due to pains). Now I don’t just move better, but also feel more relaxed. Most importantly, lifting also feels smoother with more range of motion without discomfort! My daily stretching is my happy ME time of the day and I look forward to it every day. I like how Lucas explains how our body works and gaining the knowledge helps understanding my muscular imbalance issues. I highly recommend his stretching programs to ANYONE!



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    • Surprised and happy about the result
      Carring around my little daughter caused more and more back pain to me. In addition, my job requires to sit around nearly all day long. The consultation of a physio therapist cost me abot $500. Finally, he gave me some exercices which helped a bit but did not cure me. When I scrowled into Yogabody on Instagram, I gave it a try...sceptical. Finally, I got over my back pain! Thanks to the easy daily routine I got into. Curious, I ordered the hip opening challenge as well. It feels good! My posture got better and surprisingly, with streched legs I nearly can touch my whole feet now! The breathing challenge is interesting as well and even calms down my daughter when I carry her while I am doing it. I am really happy about these programs! Thank you!



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    • As someone with agruably the tightest…
      As someone with arguably the tightest hips of all time, I can say this hip opening challenge is working for me, I know it will take a lot more than 21 days but I have seen good progress
      Willie G



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    • Lucas is the real deal
      Lucas is the real deal. I find his videos and emails so down to earth, logical and well presented, I am interested in whatever he's talking about. And very few people have that effect on me.
      I've been doing the stretching exercises for a little over a month and am just now being able to fully, completely relax into the poses. They are definitely helping me.
      Lucas' presentation style is perfect for me: relaxed, factual and engaging. For every position, he demonstrates alternative poses, supplements and helpful guides that everyone, including me, can use. I'm really happy with the course.
      Randall Manley



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    • Yayyyyyyy Yogabody!!
      So happy I found Lucas Rockwood and Yogabody! I had practiced yoga intermittently for years, and sometime during my 50s I began having hip problems and could no longer practice. In my 60s I began having trouble getting out of bed in the morning due to pain and stiffness. I put it down to age. But about a month ago I discovered Lucas and his wonderful programs and now at age 68 I am able to walk 5 km a day, and no more hobbling down the stairs in the morning! His instructions are clear and concise, his manner is relaxed and easy, his attitude pleasant, and his programs are short enough to look forward to. I just love him!
      Lillian Simmons



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    • More range of Motion!
      I've always had stiff muscles and it has gotten worse with aging. When I found YogaBody, it seemed to make sense the way Lucas showed the exercises. And it is definitely working. My ability to move more comfortably is clearly improving, and I see it in my golf swing, workouts and play with the grandkids. Woohoo!
      Mark Myers



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    • Amazing
      Feeling better in my body after only a few sessions. These exercises are exceeding my expectations and I am looking forward to do them.



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    • Great stretches
      First time that I finally experience progress with stretching, due to the long and easy poses. This is the first programme that is indeed for beginners!



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    • Awesome program
      Awesome program. Definitely helps with mobility!
      Scott Bogacz



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    • The videos are great
      The videos are great, clear instructions and regressions available for every pose if you can't manage the pose straight away. Length of videos is perfect - enough to make progress but short enough to fit in to a busy routine.
      Jo B



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    • Straightforward and effective
      Each lesson consists of a few simple poses, selected with clear intention and explained well. Modifications and the timer are great. They not only make difficult poses possible for me as a rusty mid-level practitioner but encourage me to do more over time.



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    • Easiness
      All the explanations are simple and it is made for absolute beginners such as I am. I would have quit very fast but I didnt yet and that sais a lot
      Adrian Gabathuler


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    • 21 day hip opening challenge beneficial
      I just completed the 21 day hip opening challenge and have increased my flexibility and reduced aches and pains. The program is presented in a manner that allows everyone to participate and benefit, even those of us with no prior experience. Lucas is a great teacher!


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    • Hip Opening
      Great program, Lucas informs you on what we (he is performing each exercise with us) are doing and why. He balances easy and hard days well making it easier to stay consistent.
      Jason Haddock


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    • Good value and is working
      I found the instructions for the stretches straightforward and easy to follow. I’m in my fifties and need to expand my range of motion, particularly in my hips. Having done the exercises for the 15 mins I’ve improved over 3 weeks. It’s incremental but it’s been more impactful than anything else I’ve tried. I think worth giving a try and reasonable value.
      Joel Krueger


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    • 21-day hip opening challenge
      I purchased the 21-day hip opening program and I love how Lucas keeps things simple and gives you a regimen to follow. He shows multiple modifications based on your abilities and there's a nice variety. After going through the 21 days the first time, I think I'm truly seeing a little bit of a difference in my mobility that seems to be having a positive impact on my ability to do my workouts. I plan to keep up with it the best I can.
      Adrian Hui


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    • Hip Challenge is amazing!
      Absolutely love the Hip-Challenge! I can feel a huge difference while doing Yoga or Pilates and also sitting on the floor meditating. My back ist straighter and I can follow the instuctions of yoga classes more easily and more confidently. I also do the breathing challenge and it helps calm myself and sleep better. So, thank you so much Lucas! Next step will be the Happy Back Challenge :-)
      Viola Amweg


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    • Worth every cent!
      The YogaBody 21-Day Hip Challenge has been life-changing for me. I used to see my chiropractor once a month for my hip problems with not much success.
      After having done the 21-Day Hip Challenge, my hips no longer bother me at all - I still do the exercises every day, keeping my hips in great condition.
      Lucas is an excellent teacher and explains things so clearly, giving 3 or 4 different levels to try depending on your flexibility etc.

      I have done the 21-Day Back Challenge, and the 21-Day Breathing Challenge as well, and they are great programs.

      I would highly recommend this program, as well as any other program run by Lucas. Worth every cent!


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    • I have no words for gratitude on this…
      I have no words for gratitude on this program for the impact it has had in my life. I got the hips opening program, and at day 5!, I have more progress than years of stretching (through other programs), physical therapy, chiropractic, and switching between methods on desperate searching in YouTube.
      I wish I found this earlier. It is also my top online value of a purchase I have ever encountered.


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    • A program that can fit everyone
      I signed up for the 21 day hip opening challenge. I could really relate to Lucas' description of his early yoga experiences. I couldn't sit cross legged on the floor at all. I appreciate the variety of poses that make the program accessible to everyone and allows one to progress over time. I have been cycling through the daily 15 minute stretch program for 9 months now I have increased flexibility and range of motion and can sit cross legged on the floor easily.
      Bruce Jones


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    • I purchased the YOGABODY hip opener on…
      I purchased the YOGABODY hip opener on Facebook and was impressed on how well the program (15 minutes a day) alleviated the pain from my tight hips. Lucas is a fantastic instructor!! Given my success with that program, I just purchased the science of stretching series and look forward to seeing similar positive results.
      Bonnie D


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    • It does not get any better than the Yogabody experience!
      I purchased the hip opener program for my husband and he absolutely loved it! He no longer goes to his osteopath for treatment as this program does wonders for him!

      I purchased the 21 day breathing program and enjoy doing it before bed. I have an exceptionally stressful job and would often wake up throughout the night as my mind wasn't settled. All I can say is BUY THIS PROGRAM NOW!! My sleep score on my smart watch used to be in the 70s; with this program, I am hitting scores between 86-89!!! I fall asleep instantly, sleep throughout the night, and beat my alarm. This program is legit!! Thank you, Lucas! You are a star.
      Suzanne Q


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    • Great Practice and knowledge
      I purchased the 21 day hip challenge. My hips are always very tight this program not only help me with my hips but I have also learned a lot about anatomy amd how our body works. Lucas is a great instructor who also explains why we do what we do on each of the poses. I might invest in the other programs he offers. I would recommend it and is cheaper than a gym membership.
      Marisol Agreda


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    • Tight hips
      I am a cyclist and have been experiencing very tight hips. I have been using the 21 day hip challenge videos and my hip mobility increases daily. I highly recommend this program to everyone.
      David Jester Jr


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    • Flexibility is Essential to Quality of Life
      I took the 21 day hip challenged and was surprised at how professional and knowledgeable and plain speaking and informative our host is. No gimmicks, no judgment, beginner to expert options, advanced physiological explanations, a remarkable lack of verbal ticks ("um", "ah") and a smooth and achievable schedule helped me turn this into a habit.
      Michael Wimer


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    • You wont regret trying
      Been having some lower back problems and also lately knee problems. After getting 21 day hip challenge and doing it for a few weeks the lower back and knee stopped hurting. I'm now doing three of the programs on Yogabody by rotating them. Feeling great, pain is gone, gym is feeling easier and sleep has omprovet.
      Anders Bergqvist


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    • From Injuries to Pain Free
      I used to have so many issues with my hamstrings - pain, injuries, tightness. I bought Lucas’ hip opening class and stayed with it for 90 days. It made an incredible difference and I haven’t had any issues for the last two years. I still use what I learned in that class to prevent injuries.
      Charlie Ruce


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    • Great programs for improved flexibility
      I have Lucas' Hip Opening Challenge & Science of Stretching programs which I have been using for ~2 months now. Very easy to follow & options for all levels. Just 15 minutes a day & I have already seen significant improvements in my flexibility - I'm 67. Added bonus I'm diving the golf ball 15/20 yds further šŸ˜
      Clive Gidney


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    • Excellent Tuition
      I invested in the 21 Day Hip Opening Challenge a couple of years ago and I have probably done the challenge 10 times now! Lucas explains how to do the exercises really clearly and gives lots of options for the less flexible. He also explains why you are doing that posture and provides extra information about diet and supplements.


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